Whether you have ever been interested in raising sheep or not, you may be wondering what it takes to raise them. In this article, you will learn about the key elements of sheep husbandry, as well as what you can do to ensure that your flock runs smoothly.
Lambing percentage
Various factors can impact lambing percentage in sheep husbandry. For example, the age of the dam can play a role. If the ewe is not mature when she is bred, it may not produce the expected number of lambs. In addition, the ewe’s condition may be affected by factors such as stress and lameness. In addition, dystocia occurs when the ewe cannot deliver the lamb on her own.
Sheep are seasonal breeders. They are most fertile during the fall season. A well-fed flock can support multiple births. They can also be trained to use shelter.
In an Awassi flock, ewes are not expected to lamb until they are two years old. They are bred in breeding pens with 25 ewes to one ram. During the first year, 60 to 70 percent of young ewes lamb as yearlings. The twinning rate increases up to six years.
In a study on the postnatal development of Awassi rams in Lebanon, Barr, A.M. reported that the sex ratio was 52.4:46.6 in single and twin lambs. The sex of birth is a significant factor in the survival ability of lambs.
In an Awassi flock in central Anatolia, 14 percent of ewes were barren. This figure was lower in a stationary flock with rams and higher in an improved flock. The year was also a significant factor.
In an Awassi dairy flock, ewes are served by female lambs during the heat when they are nine or ten months old. This gives the lambs better feeding and a larger size. These flocks also have a heavier carcass. They have about 45 percent fat, 11 percent bone, and 43 percent muscle.
Awassi lambs have a panting rate that increases from 35 to 135 per minute when they are in a hot summer day without shade. The male Awassi lamb weighs about 20 to 25 kilograms.
Pasture feeding value
Grazing pastures is a critical part of sheep husbandry. Herbage is a significant source of protein and vitamins. It is also a cheap source of succulent feed. The type of species used in the forage affects its quality. Some species are naturally more persistent and palatable than others.
Several energy units are available for measuring the nutritional value of forages. The NDF unit is a good measure of how much forage an animal can consume. These units are used to balance rations. They are represented by the amount of dry matter, energy, protein, and fibre content in the forage.
The highest yielding forage is typically found in the spring. In this season, the first growth is tender and palatable. It is less fibrous and richer in protein than the mature plants. It takes longer for the fiber to digest in the rumen.
The number of species in the forage is affected by climate, topography, and grazing practices. The type of vegetation is also influenced by the time of year. Young plants are more palatable and tender and contain more calcium, phosphorus, and vitamins. The time of grazing also influences the persistence of species.
Range forage contains a mixture of herbaceous species, including weeds. It is a good source of inexpensive feed for livestock on the range. In general, native grasses and legumes are used.
Other important resources include crop residues. These can be grazed in situ or cut and carried to animals. They are particularly useful on ranges. Grazing weeds can also be beneficial in certain areas. They are often found in spring and early summer.
Using appropriate grazing practices can extend the forage season. These practices may include the use of fertilizers to increase animal products.
Feeding time
Managing the feeding time of your sheep is an important part of your farm management plan. The quantity of feed needed will vary according to the age, condition and breed of your sheep.
The best way to determine the quantity of feed you need is to weigh your flock on a daily basis. This will ensure that you are buying only what you need. A good feeding budget is also a useful tool for identifying pasture shortages in advance.
Hay is a common source of roughage for sheep. It can be made from a variety of sources, including cereals and legumes. The energy content of hay is usually moderate. However, hay that contains high protein is valuable to growing lambs.
Sheep are fed every day. This can be done either in a paddock or confined area. It is important to make sure that you buy the correct quantity of hay. A typical feed for ewes will be one kilogram of dry matter per head per day.
The amount of energy your sheep needs will vary with their age, condition, breed and amount of walking they have to do. If you can control the rate of feed consumption, you can also control the amount of weight gain.
For older ewes, the minimum feed requirements will be lower. They will need to maintain a liveweight of about 20 kg. These ewes have the most variable requirements in terms of energy.
For pregnant ewes, supplementary feeding is important. This can be a complete ration or a mix of grain, roughage and hay.
For small yearling ewes, separation is a good idea. They should be separated from the main flock.
Feeding consistency
Managing sheep nutrition is an important part of maintaining good health and productivity in the flock. The key is to know the nutrient requirements for the different classes of stock, and implement a balanced mineral program to optimize performance.
During summer, sheep utilize pasture plants as their primary source of nutrition. But they must have access to the right type of fiber and trace minerals to avoid nutrient deficiencies. Luckily, sheep are ruminants, meaning they have four-compartment stomachs, and can easily digest plant fiber. In fact, they even have bacteria that ferment it.
Besides fiber, sheep also need salt. Salt helps the digestion of fiber and provides energy. Without it, sheep will have difficulty grazing and will suffer from dehydration.
Incorporating quality minerals into a sheep mineral program will improve overall performance and enhance fertility. It can also reduce or eliminate the need for additional salt.
Grass forage is an excellent nutrient source for pregnant sheep, but it can also provide too much calories. Fortunately, quality minerals are available for sheep, and can balance nutrients and remove the need for additional salt.
Similarly, sheep can make use of stored forage. Some of these include alfalfa, grass, and pasture plants. Sheep also can make use of weatherized minerals, which won’t clump or blow away when they get wet. These are ideal for sheep in wet climates.
It’s also possible to set up a grazing rotation to match the amount of pasture available. In this way, a more sophisticated approach to feeding can be used. Detailed information about the amount of pasture required by different classes of stock can be found in Appendix 1.
The best way to make sure you have adequate pasture for your flock is to plan the grazing rotation. The length of the rotation should match the amount of pasture in the paddock.
Feeding by-products
Using by-products in sheep husbandry can help to reduce the cost of nutrients. However, it is important to ensure that the feeds are tested for nutritive content before they are used in the flock. The quality of the feeds will depend on the plant species, the storage method, and the weather. If it is not the best quality forage, it will be less digestible and palatable.
There are numerous by-products that can be used in a flock. Some of these include distiller’s grains, corn stover, wheat middlings, and citrus pulp. They may contain high levels of certain minerals that are important to the health of the animals.
Sheep need a variety of feedstuffs to meet their nutritional requirements. The main source of nutrients for a sheep diet is usually hay or browse. These can be dried or fresh. The quality of the forage will depend on the amount of moisture in the hay, the season of the year, and the plant maturity.
Sheep also need to have access to a clean water source. Sheep can suffer from digestive problems when their diets are changed frequently. Changing the diet should be gradual and should not be abrupt.
A good, high-quality pasture contains improved grasses and legumes. It should also have lime applied as needed. There should be plenty of loose trace mineral salt available. The rumen is an adaptable organ and will adjust to various feeding programs.
Grass hay is more digestible than legume hay. Depending on the season, a ration may need to be adjusted to meet the needs of the animals.
Concentrates are often fed to supplement the forage diet. They are a mix of high-energy grains. They are typically more expensive than forages. They can be mixed with corn or soybean meal to reduce the protein percentage in the diet.